The liberal state in the thought of Francis Fukuyama and its impact on international relations

The liberal state in the thought of Francis Fukuyama and its impact on international relations


  • رشا أحمد جامعة دمشق


liberalism, Fukuyama, political thought.


The concept of International Relations appeared as a clear science in Britain, and its importance emerged from the successive political events that followed the Cold War, one of the most important results of which was the demise of the Soviet Union and the rise of the American star to occupy the throne of politics in the world, taking advantage of the weakness of many countries and imposing himself as a global leader. This is what necessitated standing at this historical and political transformation that changed the political map of the world and upended the balance of relations between countries. Some people, including Fukuyama, interpreted that victory as the superiority of liberal democracy being the single political system that is characterized by freedom, justice, equality, the rule of law and accountability, and this position came from political and economic power for the United States of America, which has appointed itself as a judge and lawyer in the field of international relations under of spreading peace and waging wars to spread democracy using various tools, especially the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization and others, and the aim is to achieve the concept of globalization in order to dominate and control the inferior countries in the name of liberalism and democracy.

